As the Flash season 7 release date is nearing, I decided to write an article dedicated to it, because why not? And also the fact that I am a huge fan of the show. I wanted to remind fans alike, about why we should all be excited about the upcoming Season.
1. The long wait
It has been 7 months, since we last saw the Flash, due to its abrupt ending, thanks to Covid. We were left with 19 episodes. Which might be a blessing in disguise, cause we might have more episodes in season 7.
2. Barry is almost powerless
If there is something you can remember from the last season, is definitely the fact that Barry Allen is powerless, because the speed force is dead. So he is Losing his power due to the Infinite Earths battle.
3. Iris is still trapped.
For half of season 6, we were strapped at the edge of our seats, as Barry mingled with an impostor, while his wife was trapped in the mirror-verse. I can still remember that heart-wrenching episode when mirror Iris broke up and chased Barry out of his own home, mixed emotions were felt that day.
The best part was when barry started speed thinking and we knew that Barry figured it all out even if it took him 3 months. As they say, better late than never.
4. Success is assured, was actually assured.
The bad guys won at the end of the finale. Carver is dead and Eva A.K.A The mirror master is framing Sue Dibny for his death. Even though this was not the usual finale we normally got, it sets up a huge story to be followed into season 7. We might have Eva as the big bad for the following season, that is if the writers decide to toss the old scripts. it is either that or we will finally get the finale that we all wanted last year.
Finale words
To be honest, I am really excited and can not wait to watch the Serie.
The Flash season 7 is premiering on the 23 of February, Tuesday. So don’t forget to tune in and watch it. Write in the comments and tell me what you are so excited about the upcoming season? Or if you want me to review a specific movie, book or series.
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Have a great weekend everyone